The Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association Presents:
Michigan Service Rifle Championship, Diretor’s Doubles and EIC ‘Leg’ Match
23, 24 & 25 May 2015
Location: All matches will be fired at the Blue Water Sportsman’s Club.
NRA Rules: This is a registered tournament, national records are recognized and NRA Rules will govern. All competitors are expected to read the ‘MRPA 2015 Highpower Instructions’ which contains MRPA rules, general info, forms, directions and lodging info, available on the next few pages.
Information and Entries mail to:
MRPA Highpower, 3915 Stoney Ridge Drive, Fort Gratiot, Michigan 48059
Fees: Saturday, Adults $40; Juniors Free with State Assoc membership. Sunday $50 per team. Monday, $35.
Fee Disbursement: 25% of gross receipts for awards. $8.00 per shooter to BWSA. $5.50 per shooter for the NRA sanctioned match. $10.00 per shooter for the CMP sanctioned, match.
Advance entries: Must be postmarked seven days in advance of the match date to reach us in time, and must be accompanied by full payment by check or money order with a completed SR-1 card . Entries postmarked more than 30 days before the date of the match will be returned. $5.00 of the entry fee is non-refundable and will be held for a ‘No-show.’ Phone and e-mail entries will not be accepted.
Post entries: Are accepted the day of the match, up to range capacity, and are on a first come first served basis; and may be paid by check, money order or in cash.
Registration & Squadding: NO SQUADDING ON FRIDAY OR SATURDAY NIGHTS! SQUADDING is on MATCH DAYS ONLY from 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM each day. The Stat Office is located at the clubhouse. Match registration and squadding will be in the clubhouse. Parking for matches is in the main parking lot in front of the clubhouse. No Vehicles / ATVs on the range unless involved in running the match.
Time of Firing: 9:00 AM, the pits will seal at 8:45 AM.
Rifle and Ammunition: Service Rifle Division – NRA Rules 3.1, 3.1.1 or 3.1.2. Match Rifle Division – NRA Rules 3.3 or 3.3.1. All competitors must use brass cased ammunition, no steel case ammo allowed.
Sights: Metallic, Rule 3.7a.
Course of Fire Saturday, 23 May 2015:
MATCH 1 - 2 sighting shots and 20 shots for record, standing, slow-fire, 200 yards, SR target.
All competitors will remain in position for the rapid stages of this NRA match.
MATCH 2 - 2 sighting shots and 20 shots for record, sitting, rapid-fire, 200yds, SR target.
MATCH 3- 2 sighting shots and 20 shots for record, prone, rapid-fire, 300 yards, SR-3 target.
MATCH 4 - 2 sighting shots and 20 shots for record prone, slow-fire, 600 yards, MR-1 target.
MATCH 5 - Aggregate, an aggregate of scores fired in matches 1-4.
Competitors will remain in position for the rapid fire stages for the NRA sanctioned match
Course of Fire Monday, 25 May 2015: CMP EIC Rifle ‘Leg’ Match – 50 Shot National Match Course, no sighting shots. Rules governed by CMP: Service Rifles (M-1, M-1A/M-14 and AR-15/M-16 only).
Competitors will be required to stand for the rapid fire stages of the CMP sanctioned LEG Match.
Divisions, Categories and Classes: There will be no separate categories, only class awards in the service rifle division, provided there are sufficient numbers of competitors in each class.
AWARDS: Class winners for matches 1-5 will be cash. Only State of Michigan residents will be declared state champion(s), non-residents will win cash or merchandise prizes if applicable.
Award Disposition: There must be 5 or more Entries in a class for one award, 10 or more for two awards, ect. The High Master Class may not be combined with any Class. If fewer than 5 High Masters entered, they must fire for open awards only.
2-Man Rattle Battle!
Where: Blue Water Sportsman’s Association, 4866 Ravenswood Road, Kimball Michigan, 48074
What: A rapid fire, fast action match consisting of two-man teams vying for the Director’s Doubles award.
When: Sunday 24 May 2015.
How: 64 rounds per shooter, 128 total rounds for record per team. 10 sighters if wanted.
5 sighters at 600 yards prone in 5 minutes, spotted after all 5 rounds have been fired. Then as many shots that can be safely fired in 50 seconds prone.
5 sighters at 500 yards prone in 5 minutes, spotted after all 5 rounds have been fired. Then as many shots that can be safely fired in 50 seconds prone.
At 300 yards, as many rounds as can be safely fired in 50 seconds kneeling.
At 200 yards, as many rounds as can be safely fired in 50 seconds standing.
Remember youre limited to 64 rounds for record. If you use all your rounds before you get to the next firing line, that’s it.
Each hit at 600 yards is 6 points. 500 yards is 5 points, 300 yards is 3 points and 200 yards is 2 points. It makes sense to get as many hits at full distance as you can get since theyre worth the most.
Cost: $40 per team
Contact David Dell at for more information