The Midland County Sportsman's Club presents:
The Michigan Mid-Range Prone Highpower Rifle Championship August 31, 2013
Sponsored by: The Midland County Sportsman's Club.
Location: The match will be shot at the Midland County Sportsman's Club, 8825 Sturgeon Road, Midland, Michigan.
Information and Entries mail to:
Rules: This is a registered match. Current NRA High Power Rifle Rules will govern. FEES: Price $30.00 (includes NRA registration fee), juniors pay $20.00. There is no penalty for a post entry.
Time of Firing: Squadding will commence at 8:15 AM, at the clubhouse and end at 8:45AM. Firing will commence at 9:00 AM.
Classification: The NRA Long Range classification system will be used in all matches.
Rifle Allowed for record firing: There will be two divisions: Any Rifle - Rule 3.2, F-Class – Rule 3.4.
Course of Fire Saturday:
Match 1 Two sighting shots and 15 shots for record prone in 17 minutes, slow-fire, 300 yards, MR-63 target, Rule 5.6, metallic sights
Match 2 Two sighting shots and 15 shots for record prone in 17 minutes, slow-fire, 500 yards, MR-65 target, Rule 5.6, metallic sights
Match 3 Two sighting shots and 15 shots for record prone in 17 minutes, slow-fire, 600 yards, MR target, Rule 5.6, metallic sights
Match 4 Two sighting shots and 20 shots for record prone in 22 minutes, slow-fire, 600 yards, MR target, Rule 5.6, any sights
Match 5 Aggregate of matches: 1, 2, and 3. Match 6 Aggregate of matches: 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Award Disposition: Providing there are five (5) competitors in each category State Champion's for Any Rifle and F-Class will be awarded plaques. Merchandise awards will be provided by category and classification at the completion of the match.
Target Service: Competitors will be required to operate targets, or provide a substitute. Three (3) relays will be squadded.
Directions to:
Midland County Sportsman's Club, 8825 Sturgeon Road, Midland, Michigan
From the East (from I-75). Take US-10 to the Eastman Rd. exit. The exit faces Airport Rd. So just cross Eastman and go right onto Airport Rd. Sturgeon is 1 mile to the West. Turn North (right), Club
is on left, about 1 1/2 miles.
From the West (from US-27) take US-10 to the Eastman Exit. That exits onto Wackerly Rd. Turn right (West) onto Wackerly off the exit. Sturgeon is about 1/2 mile West. Turn North onto Sturgeon and club is about 1 1/2 miles on the left.