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  • 16 Jun 2021 8:07 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)

    Day 1 Results

    Day 2 Results

    Final Results

    The conditions at the Marksmanship Training Center (MTC) were on the whole mild. Warm enough for shorts, but not so warm to be uncomfortable. We had 38 competitors, almost a sell out (but for a few missteps with competitor equipment we would have been a sell out).

    In the F-Open Category the Winner was Darwin Maidens with a 976-33X. He was followed by Jim Davis 972-25X, and Jeff Gohl 964-29X.

    In F-TR the Winner was Dale Lucy with a 971-35X, with Keith Conrad at 964-26X and Doug Boyer at 963-29X.

    For sling shooters, in Palma the Winner was Hanne Brantner with a 987-49X, chased closely at Bob Steketee with a 985-49X, and Jamie Root with a 975-25X.

    For the Any Rifle shooters, we had two, the Winner was Peter Church with a 980-37X, and Tom Weber with a 950-24X.

    The next match at the MTC is on July 10-11, 2021. This will be the Michigan Long Range Championship. Program is: Michigan Long Range Championship.

  • 29 May 2021 7:31 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)

    On a nice, but surprisingly windy day over Memorial Day Weekend, the 29th of May 2021 the Michigan Fullbore Rifle Prone Championship was held. Sixteen hardy competitors fired in winds of 10-20 MPH with sudden gusts.

    A glimpse of the wind this morning. Midland County is normally a relatively protected range. Not so much today. That flag was pretty consistent, but we suffered from varying gusts throughout the day.

    Our State Champions this year are:

    Larry Remsnyder, F-TR 440-15X, Marcel Bollinger, F-Open 444-21X, and for Target Rifle, Jamie Root 440-17X.

    2021 Michigan Fullbore Rifle Championship.pdf

    After today's competition the competitors were treated to a Birthday Party luncheon in the block house at the range. Ray Gross was celebrating his 18th anniversary of his 39th birthday. Thank you, Nora Kay Folts, Ray's significant other.

  • 26 Mar 2021 3:19 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)

    Materials to be presented on Sunday, March 28, 2021, including the minutes from the 2020 MRPA Annual Membership Meeting.

    2021-03-28 MRPA annual meeting.pdf

  • 22 Jan 2021 2:34 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)


    Happy New Year to All.  With just a little bit of luck this year may prove to be less challenging than last.  Time will tell.

    Our match schedule for 2021 will be:

    June 12 and 13, 2021 for the Michigan State 1000 yd. Championship; July 10 and 11, 2021 for the Michigan State Long Range Championship; August 13, 2021 for the Michigan State Long Range Team Match Championships; and August 14 and 15, 2021 for the Michigan Long Range / F-Class Regional.

    All these matches will be held at the Marksmanship Training Center located in Lake City, MI.  The programs for these events will be published in the near future.  There will be a couple changes within administrative policies for all of these matches this year.  In particular, a paid registration will be required to reserve a spot for a match.  In addition to this, the cancellation policy that will be in place will read as follows: 

    ‘Notice of cancellation made to the Match Director seven (7) days prior to the initial match date will be refunded 90% of the entry fee.  Cancellations made within seven (7) days of the initial date of an event, including “NO SHOWS” the day of the event will not be refunded their match entry fee.’

    These policies will help ensure that as many people that would like to shoot will have that opportunity.  I look forward to seeing you all very soon, and as always I would like to thank the numerous people that are involved in putting these matches together.  Stay safe.


       Bret A. Solomon

       MRPA Long Range Match Director

  • 15 Dec 2020 8:18 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)

    The MRPA Annual Membership Meeting will be held via GotoMeeting at 10:00 AM, March 28, 2021. Meeting Details will be emailed in the week prior to the meeting,.

  • 20 Jul 2020 1:11 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)

    Complete results:  MRPA Match Results July 11-12, 2020.pdf

    Bret Solomon, MRPA Long Range Director congratulates Darwin Maidens for winning the F-Open State Championship.  Bret was second.

    Bret congratulates Charley Hayes the F-TR State Champion

    Bret congratulates Ray Gross, Winner of the Any Rifle championship (Sling), Leo Cebula, Second, and Robert O'Donnel,  third

  • 17 Apr 2020 3:47 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)

    MRPA Annual Meeting

    As a result of the Coronavirus Crisis, we postponed the Annual Meeting Scheduled in March of this year. Given the continued recommendation of "Social Distancing" the Board of Directors has decided to have a "virtual" Annual Membership Meeting this year.

    We have scheduled that meeting for 7:00 PM, Wednesday, May 20, 2020.  Another email will be sent out prior to that date with instructions for attending that meeting.  We will be using the MRPA Goto Meeting Account, and if accessed with a computer will allow real time review of our annual meeting materials.  If you cannot attend with a computer or other device, you will be allowed to dial in, and the materials will be available at for download.

    Division directors have been asked to conduct their division meetings prior to the membership meeting, so that all committee members and other officers up for election will be available during this membership meeting.

    Hope to see you at the meeting.

  • 16 Mar 2020 4:50 PM | Lusty Cebula (Administrator)

    The Annual Membership Meeting scheduled for March 29, 2020 is postponed.  In response to the coronavirus crisis, and Governor Whitmer's Executive Order 2020-9 we are postponing this meeting without date.  

    Once the crisis is past we will reschedule and announce the date and location.  

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