2020 Match Sponsors !! (2)
Scheutzen Powder ( Swiss Black Powder )
The Gun Works Muzzle Loading Emporium
2019 Match Sponsors !! (17)
Cat Shooting Sticks
Creedmoor Sports INC.
Dixie Gun Works
D. Z. Arms
Graf & Sons
Green Mountain Rifle Barrel Co.
Jay's Sporting Goods
Lee Precision
Montana Vintage Arms (MVA)
Pacific Tool & Gauge (PTG)
Redding Reloading Equipment
Schuetzen Powder (Swiss Black Powder)
Single Shot Rifles INC. (CPA)
Starline Brass
The Gun Works
Treebone Carving
Walters Wads
2017 Match Sponsors !! ( 21 ) (Thank You)
Bass Pro Shops
Bore Rider Barrel Care Products
Brooks' Knives & Moulds
Creedmoor Sports INC.
Distant Thunder Shooting Products
D. Z. Arms
Graf & Sons
Green Mountain Rifle Barrel Co.
Jay's Sporting Goods
Lee Precision
Midway USA
Montana Vintage Arms (MVA)
Redding Reloading Equipment
Rugged Gear
Schuetzen Powder (Swiss)
Shiloh Rifle Co.
Single Shot Rifles INC. (CPA)
Starline Brass
The Gun Works Muzzle Loading Emporium
Treebone Carving
Walters Wads
2016 NRA MATCH SPONSORS !! ( 24 ) ( Thank You )
Bore Rider Barrel Care Products
Brooks' Knives & Moulds
Buffalo Arms Company
Cal-Graf Design, LLC
Creedmoor Sports INC.
Distant Thunder Shooting Products
Dixie Gun Works
D. Z. Arms
Graf & Sons
Green Mountain Rifle Barrel Co.
Jay's Sporting Goods
Lee Precision
Montana Vintage Arms (MVA)
Pacific Tool & Gauge (PTG)
Redding Reloading Equipment
Rocky Mountain Cartridge LLC.
Schuetzen Powder (SWISS)
Single Shot Rifles INC. (CPA)
Starline Brass
The Gun Works
Treebone Carving
John Walters Wads
Contact Info: Bill Bruske
P.O. Box 472
Glen Arbor, MI. 49636
231-326-3368 (work) tinatb@aol.com
Shipping Address: 12777 Co. Rd. 677
Empire, MI. 49630
www.buffaloarms.com Buffalo Arms (Carry most everything)
www.trackofthewolf.com Track Of The Wolf (Parts and loading equipment)
Shooter 2 Cleaning Media Greg Vest (989)-330-5179 gvest67@yahoo.com (Ceramic media & Brass cleaning solution)
www.dietleinswaging.com Jim Dietlein (Bullets)
email: sdurren1@comcast.net Steve Durren (Gunsmithing, Barrel Liners, Etc.)
The Gun Doctor (Ithaca) Marshall Chase Gunsmith (Trigger jobs, barrels,etc.)
email: gfewless@tds.net Glenn Fewless (Specializing in custom built BPCR Rifles)
www.bassproshops.com Bass Pro Shops
www.brownells.com Brownells (Mostly parts)
www.browning.com Browning Browning Firearms
www.cabelas.com Cabelas
www.champchoice.com Champions Choice (Scopes,Stands,Mats)
www.csharpsarms.com C. Sharps Arms (Rifles and Accessories)
www.dillionprecision.com Dillion Precision Products, INC. (Loading Presses,Dies)
www.gmriflebarrel.com Green Mountain Rifle Barrel Co., INC. (Barrels)
www.jayssportinggoods.com Jay's Sporting Goods (Clare & Gaylord MI.)
www.leeprecision.com Lee Precision (Reloading Dies & Equipment)
www.lymanproducts.com Lyman (Reloading Equipment)
www.midwayusa.com Midway USA
www.rcbs.com RCBS Reloading Equipment
www.redding-reloading.com Redding Reloading Equipment (Dies & Equipment)
www.shilohrifle.com Shiloh Rifle Co. (Rifles, Accessories, Shiloh Forum)
www.starlinebrass.com Starline Brass (Brass Cartridge Cases)
www.accuratemolds.com Accurate Molds (Bullet Molds)
www.arizonasharpshooters.com Arizona Sharp Shooters (Patches, Shooting Supplies)
www.baldwin-sights.com Baldwin Sights
www.balistol.com Ballistol (Multi purpose lube)
www.blackpowderspg.com SPG (Lube, Black Powder News, upcoming events)
www.boreriderbarrelcareproducts.com Don Leidich Bore Rider Barrel Jags
www.bpcrtargets.com BPCR Targets (Magnetic Silhouette spotting boards)
www.brcrifles.com Borchardt Rifle Corporation (Complete Rifle Restoration)
www.brooksmoulds.com Brooks' Knives & Moulds (Custom Bullet Moulds)
www.cal-graf.com Cal-Graf Design, LLC (Range cart, shooting & scope boxes)
www.catshootingsticks.com Individually hand crafted shooting sticks
www.creedmoorsports.com Creedmoor Sports, INC.
D.G.L. Lube Jim Sproul DGL Lube 541-620-0231
www.dixiegunworks.com Dixie Gun Works (Guns. parts, accessories)
www.dzhepburn.com/sights/ D.Z. Arms (8X 20" scope, Build Hepburns)
John King P.O. Box 368 Kila,MT. 59920 Gunsmith, Borchardts, has built many 6 dashers
1-406-755-5352 for 1000yd, including a world record rifle
www.hochmoulds.com Colorado Shooter's Supply (Custom Moulds)
www.kygunco.com Kentucky Gun Company (Good prices on firearms)
www.kshoke@comcast.net Hoke Long Range Rifle Sights
www.leeshavergunsmithing.com Lee Shaver (Sights, Inserts, Custom Muzzle Loader)
Leeth Machine & Tool Pioneer Products Custom Bullet Molds
Ph: 937-839-4363
www.lodgewood.com Lodgewood Manufacturing (Original & Reproduction Gun Parts)
www.meachamrifles.com Meacham T&H Inc. (Push-thru bullet lubrisizer) montanacastbulletsllc@gmail.com Montana Cast Bullets, LLC (160 mold-styles available)
www.montanavintagearms.com Montana Vintage Arms (MVA Sights & Scopes)
email: nrjonsn@westriv.com Norman Johnson (rebore, rerifle, reline, rebarrel)
https://shop.pacifictoolandgauge.com./ Pacific Tool and Gauge (Chamber Reamers, Gun Parts)
www.pauljonesmoulds.com Paul Jones Precision Bullet Moulds
www.redriver.a.a.p@mts.net Red River Sights Front and Rear Sights
www.rimrockbullets.net Rim Rock Bullets Frank Brown Montana
www.rockymountaincartridge.com Rocky Mountain Cartridge, LLC (Lathe turned brass)
www.ruggedgear.com Rugged Gear (Shooting cart, 3-gun option)
email: rwsnover@comcast.net Ron Snover (Sight insert cards)
www.sageoutfitters.com Sagebrush (Custom Bullets, T-Shirts, Shooting Supplies)
www.schuetzenguncompany.com Single Sot Rifles built, repaired, & restored
www.singleshotrifles.com CPA Rifles (Silhouette rifle from $1950)
www.ssfirearms.com S&S Firearms Glendale NY. (Original & Repo Parts)
www.steveearlproducts.com Steve Earl Products, INC. Scope Blocks, Actions
www.swagedies.com Corbin (Swage your own bullets)
www.treebonecarving.com Treebone Carving (90% inletted & Profiled Stocks)
www.vtigunparts.com VTI (Gun parts for imported Itallian Rfiles)
www.thegunworks.com The Gun Works (Making rifles and smooth bore barrels)
email: THETINWADMAN@COX.NET Walters Wads (Wads, Pure Tin & Alloy Mix 20/1)
www.winchesterbarrels.com Winchester gun barrels
www.gibbsrifle.com/ Gibbs Rifle
www.navyarms.com Navy Arms
http://shootingbums.org/TexasBorePigs/ Texas Bore Pigs (Bore Pigs)
www.blackpowderva.com Back Creek Gun Shop (Goex Powder)
www.cooniesblkpdr@aol.com Coonies BP Inc. (Goex & Swiss) Will Mix Cases
www.goexpowder.com Goex Powder Inc.
www.grafs.com Graf & Sons (Goex,O.E.,Graf & Sons,Swiss Powders)
www.hodgdon.com Hodgdon Powder Pyrodex - Tripple Seven
www.mainepowderhouse.com Maine Powder House (Black Powder)
www.powderinc.com Powder Inc. (Black Powder)
www.schuetzenpowder.com/swiss-black-powder Swiss Black Powder
www.uppermotradingco.com Upper MIssouri Trading Co. (Hepburn Kit, Powder)
www.ebay.com E-Bay
www.gunbroker.com Gun Broker
www.gunsamerica.com Guns America
www.gunauction.com Auction Arms